Why Is Your Weight Loss Stalled?

For several reasons, you may note that your weight loss is stalled. You may have felt as if you've been holding on to the last few pounds, or maybe you are struggling to get the ball rolling in the first place. If you have experienced stagnant weight loss, you may wonder what you can do. Do you want to prevent stalling of your weight loss? These are some reasons why you might be struggling to lose weight.

Your Hormones Are Playing a Role

Hormones actually play quite a role in weight gain and weight loss. Hormones communicate with your body, and often this communication involves fat storage. Cortisol levels increasing and insulin resistance can all increase weight gain and stall weight loss.

Your Calorie Counting Is Counter-Intuitive

You may be cutting too many calories, which may not sound possible. The truth is that you can cut calories so much that you are not able to avoid snacking. It is important that you understand how many calories you should be eating to avoid feeling hunger pangs that harm your progress.

You Aren't Active

While you may be cutting calories and taking care to eat healthy foods, you may wonder about your level of activity. It is important that you understand how often you should be moving as well. Exercise, even walking and swimming, can help you lose weight with consistency. A combination of both reducing calories and moving are critical.

You Don't Have Support

Often, people who don't have support will see some stagnation in weight loss. This can be devastating, as the emotional support can make or break one's emotional journey. Support can come in the form of family member's cooking healthy meals with you or helping you get activity.

You Aren't Motivated

Motivation is something that comes from within, but finding motivation can be difficult. It is important to find ways to keep moving, even when you feel discouraged. It is important that you consult with somebody who has an understanding of the motivational components of weight loss.

Consult With a Medical Weight Loss Service

Medical weight loss can help you say goodbye to those pounds that are bothering you. A professional can help you with each of these reasons why you might not be losing weight as quickly as you would like to. Best of all, you can do it in a safe environment with medical professionals monitoring your weight. Find a weight loss clinic near you today like Horizon Weight Loss.

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An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away You likely found this blog because you are dedicated to improving your health. You may simply not know what a healthy lifestyle consists of or you may understand what good health habits are, but lack the motivation to put this knowledge into action. No matter what gets in the way of achieving good health, we plan to help you every step of the way. Whether you need to learn what a healthy meal consists of, how often you should exercise to maintain good cardiovascular health, or how to improve your motivation to work out, we hope you can find the answers to your questions on this blog or the healthcare resources we share here. While we are not health experts, we strive to lead healthy lifestyles, just like you.