Does Your Loved One Need Opioid Addiction Treatment?

When you have a loved one who is addicted to opioids, it can be difficult for everyone involved. However, with the correct opioid addiction treatment, it is possible for the individual with an addiction problem to get back to their daily lives. As a concerned loved one, you need to be familiar with the addictive behaviors that will help in deciding whether your loved one could benefit from treatment. Here are a few things to look for.

Behavioral Symptoms

When an individual has an addiction to opioids, you will likely notice a significant change in their personality. One of the most common changes in their behavior you will notice is deceptive actions and/or frequent lying. In a number of cases, you may notice dramatic mood swings, which consists of them changing considerably from happy to sad or angry.

Psychosocial Behaviors

When an individual is actively using opioids, they may begin to experience various feelings of euphoria, which will have a direct impact on their behavior when they find themselves in social situations. You may start to notice that they are showing more energy in certain topics and conversations or talking faster than usual. However, when this individual comes down from the high that they are on, you may notice that they start to withdraw themselves from group settings and begin to isolate themselves.

Physical Health Effects

Opioid addiction can have a direct impact on an individual's physical health in numerous ways, including high blood pressure, increase heart rate, and constricted blood vessels. Some of the physical signs that you may notice outright include physical agitation, decreased appetite, and problems sleeping.

Cognitive Changes

When an individual's opioid addiction becomes much more severe, you are likely to notice some changes in their cognitive functioning. When opioids are overused, there will be a reduced reaction time when it comes to processing new details. As a result, this can lead to the individual finding it harder to adjust to brand-new surroundings and situation, leading to frustration and risky decisions being made. Instead of the individual weighing the pros and cons of an action or a choice and being able to understand the consequences of that action or choice, they will likely act abruptly, leading to a significant fallout.

If you have noticed any of the aforementioned signs with a loved one of yours, they may be abusing opioids. For more information contact an opioid addiction treatment center to discuss what options you have. 

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