Things You Should Know About Mononucleosis

A good reason to visit an urgent care center is if you have symptoms of mononucleosis, also known as mono. While many people may joke about this "kissing disease," the symptoms are actually serious and can have a big impact on your life and affects the lives of the people around you. Therefore, early diagnosis and care are important. Here is more about mono, its symptoms, and how to care for yourself if you have this disease.

What Is Mono?

Mono is a contagious disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, otherwise known as EBV. The disease is fairly mild if you catch it either when you are young or when you get past your 20s. Once you've had mono, then you are likely immune and won't catch it again.

Who Gets Mono?

Anyone can get mono, even children as young as a year old. However, this disease tends to show up the most in teens and young adults. The disease is less common in older adults, and the symptoms are much milder.

What Are the Symptoms of Mono?

Very young children show almost no symptoms at all or the symptoms may be mistaken for another condition. With older children and adults, the main symptoms are severe, persistent fatigue, sore throat, swollen tonsils and lymph nodes, and a headache. Mono also affects your spleen.

How Does Mono Spread?

Mono is spread through saliva and is commonly acquired through kissing. However, you can also catch mono by sharing drinks and other utensils. You can even catch mono when an infected person sneezes or coughs near you. A person can spread the disease for weeks before showing any symptoms.

Can Mono Be Treated?

No vaccines are available to prevent this disease. The main treatment is supportive care with plenty of rest, fluids, and medications to alleviate headaches and body aches. Most people recover within a few weeks, though flare-ups can happen to some people for months or even years.

How Can One Prevent Mono?

The best way to prevent mono is to stay away from people who have symptoms of this disease. As a general rule, do not share utensils and dishes with other people. Stay away from other people if you suspect that you have this virus.

Many of mono's symptoms are also present in other serious diseases, so if you experience any of them, visit a doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor should give you advice to help you recover comfortably and reduce the risk of you spreading the disease to other people. If your regular doctor is not available, then there is likely an urgent care center available in your area.

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